Know Me

January 15, 2016


I wished you knew me.

I wished you knew not only what makes me angry or sad, but what brings me to meet vulnerability.

I wished you knew that behind this smile hides a fickle soul that loves to disguise itself as powerful, and strong, and brave.

I wished you knew that every breath of laughter that brings you the validation of my sanity, sighs the fears that have lived for so many years as the pride I wear on my face, and walk on my feet.

I wished you knew that even in the brightest of days I still hear those screaming moonless nights.

I wished you knew the war in my tears, as they travel down to the comfort of my pillows, wondering if my eyes will ever rest to dry.

I wished you knew the words I have failed to articulate,

I wished you knew what thrills me and what silences me. I wished you knew every single fibre of my being that screams soundlessly for your attention to simply,

know me.
